Self presentation text of Acte collective

In the fall of 2020, we started some first assemblies for the creation of a new anarchist collective. We decided to combine discussions about what the group’s basic theoretical positions will be about participation in politically kinematic actions, assemblies, and autonomous action. This is for two main reasons: to see how the first theoretical thoughts are grounded in practice and to bond on the road with relationships of trust and mutual understanding. After about 1 year of discussions and actions, we reached out the character of the team and the main positions, as they have been formed so far from a revolutionary perspective.

As an anarchist collective, we believe that capitalism and the institution of the state can be destroyed and the power of authority can be overthrown. The tactics followed in each of them may change, but the main target remains the same: the maintenance of the authority of each states ruling class. We have deep faith that there can be built a different society without state, leaders and pioneers. We also believe that people are not inherently evil and that the corrosion of consciences of lower class by modern society is reversible. We strongly believe that the path that leads to a powerless society is difficult but remains open. When the downtrodden of this world believe in our powers, everything can become possible. It is known that many revolutions and movements in the past that they overcame the weapons of state and capital, they were defeated by the authoritarian perceptions that prevailed within them. These facts constitute historical memory and heritage that should be considered as knowledge and vigilance in order to avoid repetition. Τhis can be achieved with effort to build an individual and collective culture.

We strongly disagree with the participation in the elections. Many parts of the local anarchist movement participate in the elections with the logic of voting the “less evil” party since it is formed and impression that with a less authoritarian government more cinematic victories will be won. We assume that this is the main cause of immediate and long- term defeat of the anarchist movement. The result is that significant parts of the strugglers withdrawn from the road battles , any liberating perspective is abandoned and in the end governance solutions delegating and seeking within the system.

The pursuit of every state is to create a fake sense of “national unity” to mask upper class and social divisions and to enforce its sovereignty over its subjects. This consists a very dangerous trap that we need continuous struggle against every form of nationalism and patriotism in order not to fall into it. We oppose at the army machinery, a mechanism that suppresses riots, carries out massacres, it spreads racism, sexism, nationalism. We support all conscription refusers and we stand in solidarity at every persecution they receive.

We stand with solidarity for the immigrants who are constantly experiencing the violence and exploitation of the state, employers and fascists. We believe that the common perspective of the movement that we want to build with them opens very radical perspectives. We propose the multifaceted anti-fascist struggle as important necessity. We propose a confrontational and anti-state movement, because fascism cannot be beaten with laws and with democratic institutions, but it can totally breaks down along the way from the world of struggle.

Violence against us is daily from the state, the employers and those who embody authoritarian perceptions. We believe that without conflict and use of force we will not develop a revolutionary movement and destroy the state and power. After all, the trap of pacifism is self-defeating passivity or constant retreat. It is of great importance to use as much force as possible necessary. We use it because it is a means defense and attack in today’s world, which dominates and oppresses, but we do not forget that we envision a society without it. We shouldn’t reproduce stereotypes for those who possess some knowledge, power, etc. and we will not use people as tools to achieve our goals. Our main strength is the solidarity and companionship of those who struggle.

The violence of patriarchy is continuous and pervasive and arises directly from gender divisions and gender oppression. We experience femicides, murders of trans, trafficking, rape, abuse in the workplaces, in the police stations, in the concentration camps, every day. Whatever is defined as the “weak” gender, that you see as deviating from the official gender dualism and sexuality and as a result it is constantly receiving violence. The counterattack against this violence must be lasting and this struggle must be supported with all means. At the same time, we target our communities to expel, in a valuable and substantial way, gender stereotypes and oppressions as soon as it is possible.

We recommend the multi-faceted fight in every job, against every small and big boss. Those who have accepted to profit on the oppress, control and dominate other people are inherently hostile. We stand back and attack them with strikes, demonstrations, sabotage, conflicts. We are being organized in unregistered unions and labor groups, in conflict with the bureaucratic and party-controlled leaderships of the establishment trade union.

The natural world is taken over by the state and the capital as a field of profit (dams, mining oil, gold, deforestation) with disastrous results. The anthropocentric perception and theories of the superiority of the human species over the rest, lead to authoritarian behaviors. We are against the use of non human lives for laboratory reasons, furs, cosmetics, but also in their mass confinement and slaughter in the meat and animal industries derivatives. We also oppose to any domineering behavior among people with corresponding behaviors in non-human animals. All this should not arise from a philanthropic direction like these of NGOs and the state (whenever they try to promote this image), but from a perspective of solidarity and empathy. Human and non-animal, flora, air, water, world, all the physical world is piece of ourselves and we must defend it by all means.

The relationships we want to build we seek to they are deep, equal and honest both inside of the group as well as with partners and groups in anarchist space. With a compass the permanent and in depth self-criticism, so that we can recognize first and mainly our mistakes and weaknesses. Mistakes and weaknesses that will arise after we also carry them the remains of this world. The important thing is to try to learn from them in order to prevent happen again again.

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